
Topeka Named Top 5 "Greenest" Cities

Topeka has been named #5 in the list of "Greenest Cities" prepared by Yahoo Inc.

They must have something wrong with their methodology. I lived in Topeka for seven years ... the place is a cess pool.

Tuvalu No More

The mighty island nation of Tuvalu is about to disappear from the face of the Earth. Due to global warming, the islands will be underwater in 30 years. Rising sea levels will completely swamp the entire country. All 10,000 citizens must relocate ... or, at the very least, learn to swim. I think this raises some facinating issues of international law. What liability does the developed world have when an entire nation is lost due to carbon emissions? Coal-fired plants in China and gigantic SUVs in California have cost this nation everything. What can be done about it?